
We greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

An effective young people’s program in the church serves as a vibrant hub for young people to grow in their faith, connect with their peers, and develop leadership skills. It aims to create a welcoming and supportive environment where young people can explore their spiritual journey, engage in meaningful discussions, and participate in community outreach. Rooted in the teachings of Christ, the program encourages personal growth, fosters a sense of belonging, and empowers the next generation to live out their faith both inside and outside the church. Through worship, service projects, and mentorship, the young people’s program equips them with the tools they need to navigate life's challenges while building a strong foundation of faith and fellowship.

It has been through the supremacy of God that we (YFP) as a program have been sustained this far. Despite the many challenges we have experienced in our spiritual journey, We have managed to stay afloat because of God's grace.

"On behalf of YFP Kenya office, I would like to thank all the youth all over Kenya for the total support they have accorded us, throughout the processes and events we have undergone, upto the great status we are enjoying."

YFP Kenya Leadership

The YFP Kenya Leadership is comprised of the following dedicated servants of the Lord;

  • Presiding Clerk - Amos Mukaisi
  • Vice Presiding Clerk - Martin Shatimba
  • Recording Clerk -Samuel Agama
  • Reading Clerk - Alpha Luvaha
  • Treasurer - Judith Wangila
  • Vice Treasurer -Everlyne Burudi
  • Pastor - Philip Malanga


We have held 3 Executive meetings 2 Board meetings and we are yet to have one executive/ board meeting in September at West yearly meeting.
We had 2 Outreach (retreat) at Bware and Tongareni yearly meetings during which we held Crusade in market evangelizing, Topical teaching and prayers.We also had Music festival at Tongareni plus Talent show.
We facilitated our pastor to attend superintendent workshop in Busia. We also facilitated 2 members to attend a NCCK workshop at Limuru.


  • We printed T-shirts and sold
  • We printed Calendars

Our mission is to unite all youths in our yearly meetings to talk the same language have a common goal,to Love and restore confidence in Quaker church.we purpose to attend all youth Camps in our yearly meetings this year as a sign of solidarity.

Yours in Christ's service

Amos Mukaisi